Progression is a funny thing. I know I have not been posting that much because honestly I have been trying to sort some things out in terms of my work now and the type of work I want to be able to do as well as going through a bit of a rough patch in terms of motivation etc. I think I am figuring out that I am at a point where it is really time to zero in on what I want to do with my photography. I have always loved documentary photography and still want to pursue that line of work as well as put out some books for ideas I have had. I have been getting discouraged with ideas not working out or not being able to transfer them from pictures in my mind to hard copies in front of me. In all of it I found that I was dwelling on the wrong aspect of wanting so bad to get better instead of focusing on the experimentation and what I can learn from it. This shoot yesterday with Rachel made me see that I don't have to knock every photo out of the park, but that there are little things that I can do now to make my current work that much more solid and in turn open me up to new ways of thinking about how I shoot, processing, and the message I want to get across. It is taking me a little longer than I had planned, but I guess it is all apart of the same journey. Hope to keep this moment going and really have some good stuff.